Beauty Fashion

What is the perfect manicure for you according to your type of nails?

Is it difficult for you to decide with your manicure? Do not worry! With these tips you can hit your manicure and show off scandalous nails this spring.


French, Russian, American, permanent manicure, false nails, gel, porcelain. .. Today there are hundreds of different manicures, but do you really know how they differ? Here are some tips to choose the one that best suits your nails and to show off a luxurious manicure this spring .

The dilemma between  acrylic ,  gel  or  permanent nails is over ! The great variety of manicures or  false nails  that exist in the market helps us to choose the most suitable for each one of us.

Depending on the technique you choose, you can do it yourself at home or, if you are one of those who enjoy relaxing and letting other more expert hands take care of our hands , you can turn to a professional. Now, you can even do  the manicure at home , without having to leave the sofa. What more can you ask?

Take care of your hands first

First things first: don’t forget that before you go for a scandal polish, it is essential that you take  care of your hands . The manicure, by itself, is applied to the care of your nails, regardless of whether you decide to color them or not. Therefore, if you want to have beautiful hands, it is important that you do a  good treatment manicure  at least once a month, without forgetting its daily care.

Treatment manicures

If you do a treatment manicure once a month, we assure you that you will feel the difference. In general, these manicures usually consist of  a massage ,  an exfoliation  and a  specific hydrating treatment  for hands and nails.

The basic process is to  cut and file the nails ,  take care of the cuticles  and  apply a protective enamel . Its objective is to sanitize the skin of your hands and give them a healthy appearance  . There are different types of manicure treatment according to your hands that use natural products that are very beneficial for your skin.

Daily care

Sometimes we forget that our hands are our main tool and, therefore, they are one of the areas of the body that ages the fastest. Although we can not prevent this from happening, yes we can continue p routines that will help us MALL younger keep them for longer:

Protect them from the sun with a good SPF factor during the day

The sun is to blame for almost 80% of the aging of our skin. Therefore, do not forget to always carry a hand cream with a sun protection factor on it , and apply it at least 3-4 times a day.

Wash them with a mild soap

Your hands are in contact with many things throughout the day, so keeping them clean is also essential . To do this, use a special hand soap (the dishwasher is for dishes!) And then apply a hand lotion to them.

Once a week, hit the ‘scrub’

When exfoliating your face during your weekly facial routine, also apply a little exfoliant to your hands . This will promote cell recovery and help the cream penetrate more deeply.

Hydrate them before going to sleep

Pamper yourself and give yourself a gentle hand massage with your favorite moisturizer before going to bed a few times a week. You can also use moisturizing gloves to prolong the hydration effects on your hands.

Now yes, style your nails!

Are you more of a gel or a French manicure? As we have said, there are many different types of manicures , so here we have collected for you the main and the best known, so that the next time you go to your manicure center, you have things clear!

Simple manicure

Also known as express or basic , it is a conventional manicure to which a colored enamel is applied . It is perfect for those with weak nails , as it is not very aggressive .

It lasts from a few days to a week, depending on the quality of the enamel and how careful you are.

French manicure

A whole classic! As you know, in this manicure the tip of the nails is white , while only a shine is applied to the surface . With its style and elegance , it is an ideal manicure for any type of occasion.

The nails are usually filed square , and since the tips are to be painted white, it is best to have long ones . If you have them very short, you can always choose fake ones!

You may not have heard of the American manicure … It is a variation of the French manicure with an even more natural result , since the tone of the tips is usually more beige and the edges are not as defined.

Decorated nails or ‘nail art’

Turn your nails into a canvas and give free rein to creativity ! You can choose to decorate them yourself with a template or go to a professional , who can incorporate all kinds of details into the designs: reliefs , glitters, metallic accessories, etc.

Paraffin manicure

The ideal treatment for dehydrated hands . Paraffin nourishes and brightens the skin, while enriching the nails . The treatment consists of a phase in which the hands are immersed in paraffin for several minutes, and then wrapped in warm mittens or towels. Once this phase has been carried out, the color is applied following one of the other styles.

Permanent manicure

If you are looking for perfect nails for a longer time , this is the solution. The permanent manicure combines traditional enamel and acrylic and build false nails on your own nails. To dry them, a UV lamp is used that will make the acrylic melt with your natural nail, thus achieving a lasting fixation, of up to three weeks if you take good care of them.

Semi permanent manicure

Its only difference with the permanent manicure is that a product with another type of acrylic is used that only provides durability , but does not merge with the nail . This type of manicure also uses UV light, and is usually cheaper than a permanent manicure, although, as expected, it lasts slightly less.

Artificial nails

The perfect allies for those who bite their nails or have them too short . These types of artificial nails are very resistant and with them you can avoid the weakening caused by the enamels. These nails can last a long time, but remember that, although there is a good fixation, they will grow at the same rate as your natural nail.

Gel nails

They are easy to install and are usually cheaper . However, they are not as natural as other types of nails, as they are somewhat thicker .

Acrylic nails 2

Strong, strong and durable : they will last you up to 6 months . Anyway, you will have to go to your manicure center at least once a month to have them refilled.

Porcelain nails

Its finish can be very natural , since they are made of glass and are very thin . However, they can be more fragile than other types.

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