Life Style

10 behaviors that feed or destroy a relationship

The couple relationship changes, but that is not necessarily negative, but inevitable and absolutely salvageable. If you know how to recognize the attitudes that feed, and those that do not, your relationship will make love last for years.

When the romantic passion is lived with all its intensity, we have the absolute certainty that this loving feeling will last forever and that nothing will change. But we must be aware that we will inevitably have to face and overcome a series of challenges as the relationship progresses, it is healthy, normal and healthy.

The psychologist and coach Montserrat Ribot, author of ‘Real love’ (Zenith) , helps us to differentiate the attitudes that we must promote to enrich the relationship and which ones we should avoid if we do not want to end up destroying it. 

Behaviors that feed the love feeling as a couple

  1. Listen to our partner and show interest in what he says.
  2. Treat with kindness.
  3. Give him signs of affection and affection such as kisses, caresses and hugs.
  4. Express gratitude to him.
  5. Support and help her when she needs it.

Behaviors that destroy the feeling of love as a couple

  1. Criticize, scold, blame and lecture our partner.
  2. Try to change and control it.
  3. Punish, despise, insult, humiliate or ridicule her.
  4. Be defensive and be thankless.
  5. Be insensitive to their needs.

On the other hand, we must bear in mind that communication is key in a couple and that sharing concerns and problems will help to solve them. Many times we tend to think that something that we do not look at, something that is not paid attention to, will eventually disappear, but that is a childish attitude with little emotional maturity. We have proven samples in our lives that have taught us that problems do not solve themselves, at best they do not worsen at worst, they become increasingly serious. However, accepting the situation, talking about possible solutions, shuffling the options we have and implementing what we have decided as a couple, that does solve problems and, above all, have one clear thing: sometimes when we talk and put the Common things,

Lastly, remember that you are the last and first responsible for your happiness. No couple is able to survive the responsibility of making the other happy, that goal only corresponds to you to fulfill it. Those relationships in which both members are happy separately are the ones that work best, since they tend to bring more happiness and in bad times they remain optimistic. Encouraging your partner, loving her, understanding her needs and prioritizing your common life in the face of certain situations is common and normal, but trying by all means to make the other person happy, assuming responsibilities, thoughts and experiences that do not correspond to us, only suffocate the another person. So before asking yourself if your relationship is wrong we should think “Am I okay? Am I happy? Am I happy?”

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